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11-LEDs Flashlight (100K MCD)
產品詳細描述: 1. 本產品有防雨功能,但不能長時間放于水中也不適合潛水使用。 2. 此燈光僅能使用于照明,并不適用於醫療用途,請勿直接照射眼部或口腔進行醫療工作。 3. 發光為白色光。
Due to the continuous changes in operating costs, the online prices may differ from the price of the final product. The official quotation prevails the final price. Please refer to the ordering information, printing process and uploading artwork information. Please ensure all relevant content is understood before ordering. 1. Set Up Charge: CAD$48.00 2. Run Charge: 1 colour 1 position – included
Extra $0.10 per colour and positionIf the order is less than CAD$200.00 before tax, there will be a charge for administration fee of CAD$50.00.